Source: util/Exception.js

'use strict';

* Exception builder for throwable objects.
* @alias Rac.Exception
class Exception {

  constructor(name, message) { = name;
    this.message = message;

  toString() {
    return `Exception:${} - ${this.message}`;

  * When enabled the convenience static functions of this class will
  * build `Error` objects, instead of `Exception` objects.
  * Used for tests runs in Jest, since throwing a custom object like
  * `Exception` within a matcher results in the expectation hanging
  * indefinitely.
  * On the other hand, throwing an `Error` object in chrome causes the
  * displayed stack to be relative to the bundled file, instead of the
  * source map.
  static buildsErrors = false;

  * Returns an convenience function for building throwable objects.
  * The function can can be used as following:
  * ```
  * func(message) // returns an `Exception`` object with `name` and `message`
  * func.exceptionName // returns the `name` of the built throwable objects
  * ```
  static named(name) {
    let func = (message) => {
      if (Exception.buildsErrors) {
        const error = new Error(message); = name;
        return error;

      return new Exception(name, message);

    func.exceptionName = name;
    return func;

  static drawerNotSetup =    Exception.named('DrawerNotSetup');
  static failedAssert =      Exception.named('FailedAssert');
  static invalidObjectType = Exception.named('invalidObjectType');

  // abstractFunctionCalled: 'Abstract function called',
  // invalidParameterCombination: 'Invalid parameter combination',
  // invalidObjectConfiguration: 'Invalid object configuration',
  // invalidObjectToDraw: 'Invalid object to draw',
  // invalidObjectToApply: 'Invalid object to apply',

} // class Exception

module.exports = Exception;