Source: control/SegmentControl.js

'use strict';

let Rac = require('../Rac');
let utils = require('../util/utils');

* Control that uses a `Segment` as anchor.
* ⚠️ The API for controls is **planned to change** in a future minor release. ⚠️
* @alias Rac.SegmentControl
class SegmentControl extends Rac.Control {

  // Creates a new Control instance with the given `value` and `length`.
  // By default the value range is [0,1] and limits are set to be the equal
  // as `startValue` and `endValue`.
  constructor(rac, value, length, startValue = 0, endValue = 1) {
    utils.assertExists(rac, value, length, startValue, endValue);

    super(rac, value, startValue, endValue);

    // Length for the copied anchor shape.
    this.length = length;

    // Segment to which the control will be anchored. When the control is
    // drawn and interacted a copy of the anchor is created with the
    // control's `length`.
    this.anchor = null;

  setValueWithLength(lengthValue) {
    let lengthRatio = lengthValue / this.length;
    this.value = this.valueOf(lengthRatio);

  // Sets `startLimit` and `endLimit` with two inset values relative to
  // zero and `length`.
  setLimitsWithLengthInsets(startInset, endInset) {
    this.startLimit = this.valueOf(startInset / this.length);
    this.endLimit = this.valueOf((this.length - endInset) / this.length);

  // Returns the distance from `anchor.start` to the control center.
  distance() {
    return this.length * this.ratioValue();

  center() {
    // Not posible to calculate a center
    if (this.anchor === null) { return null; }
    return this.anchor.withLength(this.distance()).endPoint();

  // Creates a copy of the current `anchor` with the control `length`.
  copyAnchor() {
    // No anchor to copy
    if (this.anchor === null) { return null; }
    return this.anchor.withLength(this.length);

  draw() {
    let anchorCopy = this.copyAnchor();

    let center =;
    let angle = anchorCopy.angle();

    // Value markers
    this.markers.forEach(item => {
      let markerRatio = this.ratioOf(item);
      if (markerRatio < 0 || markerRatio > 1) { return }
      let point = anchorCopy.start.pointToAngle(angle, this.length * markerRatio);
      Rac.Control.makeValueMarker(this.rac, point, angle)
    }, this);

    // Control button

    let ratioValue = this.ratioValue();

    // Negative arrow
    if (ratioValue >= this.ratioStartLimit() + this.rac.unitaryEqualityThreshold) {
      Rac.Control.makeArrowShape(this.rac, center, angle.inverse())

    // Positive arrow
    if (ratioValue <= this.ratioEndLimit() - this.rac.unitaryEqualityThreshold) {
      Rac.Control.makeArrowShape(this.rac, center, angle)


    // Selection
    if (this.isSelected()) {
      center.arc(this.rac.controller.knobRadius * 1.5).draw(this.rac.controller.pointerStyle);

  updateWithPointer(pointerControlCenter, anchorCopy) {
    let length = anchorCopy.length;
    let startInset = length * this.ratioStartLimit();
    let endInset = length * (1 - this.ratioEndLimit());

    // New value from the current pointer position, relative to anchorCopy
    let newDistance = anchorCopy
    // Clamping value (javascript has no Math.clamp)
    newDistance = anchorCopy.clampToLength(newDistance,
      startInset, endInset);

    // Update control with new distance
    let lengthRatio = newDistance / length;
    this.value = this.valueOf(lengthRatio);

  drawSelection(pointerCenter, anchorCopy, pointerOffset) {

    let angle = anchorCopy.angle();
    let length = anchorCopy.length;

    // Value markers
    this.markers.forEach(item => {
      let markerRatio = this.ratioOf(item);
      if (markerRatio < 0 || markerRatio > 1) { return }
      let markerPoint = anchorCopy.start.pointToAngle(angle, length * markerRatio);
      Rac.Control.makeValueMarker(this.rac, markerPoint, angle)

    // Limit markers
    let ratioStartLimit = this.ratioStartLimit();
    if (ratioStartLimit > 0) {
      let minPoint = anchorCopy.start.pointToAngle(angle, length * ratioStartLimit);
      Rac.Control.makeLimitMarker(this.rac, minPoint, angle)

    let ratioEndLimit = this.ratioEndLimit();
    if (ratioEndLimit < 1) {
      let maxPoint = anchorCopy.start.pointToAngle(angle, length * ratioEndLimit);
      Rac.Control.makeLimitMarker(this.rac, maxPoint, angle.inverse())

    // Segment from pointer to control dragged center
    let draggedCenter = pointerOffset

    // Control dragged center, attached to pointer

    // Constrained length clamped to limits
    let constrainedLength = anchorCopy
    let startInset = length * ratioStartLimit;
    let endInset = length * (1 - ratioEndLimit);
    constrainedLength = anchorCopy.clampToLength(constrainedLength,
      startInset, endInset);

    let constrainedAnchorCenter = anchorCopy

    // Control center constrained to anchor

    // Dragged shadow center, semi attached to pointer
    // always perpendicular to anchor
    let draggedShadowCenter = draggedCenter
      // reverse and translated to constraint to anchor
      // Segment from constrained center to shadow center

    // Control shadow center
    draggedShadowCenter.arc(this.rac.controller.knobRadius / 2)

    // Ease for segment to dragged shadow center
    let easeOut = Rac.EaseFunction.makeEaseOut();
    easeOut.postBehavior = Rac.EaseFunction.Behavior.clamp;

    // Tail will stop stretching at 2x the max tail length
    let maxDraggedTailLength = this.rac.controller.knobRadius * 5;
    easeOut.inRange = maxDraggedTailLength * 2;
    easeOut.outRange = maxDraggedTailLength;

    // Segment to dragged shadow center
    let draggedTail = draggedShadowCenter

    let easedLength = easeOut.easeValue(draggedTail.length);

    // Draw all!

} // class SegmentControl

module.exports = SegmentControl;