Source: drawable/Segment.js

'use strict';

const Rac = require('../Rac');
const utils = require('../util/utils');

* Segment of a `[Ray]{@link Rac.Ray}` up to a given length.
* @alias Rac.Segment
class Segment {

  * Creates a new `Segment` instance.
  * @param {Rac} rac - Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects
  * @param {Rac.Ray} ray - A `Ray` the segment will be based of
  * @param {number} length - The length of the segment
  constructor(rac, ray, length) {
    // TODO: different approach to error throwing?
    // assert || throw new Error(err.missingParameters)
    // or
    // checker(msg => { throw Rac.Exception.failedAssert(msg));
    //   .exists(rac)
    //   .isType(Rac.Ray, ray)
    //   .isNumber(length)

    utils.assertExists(rac, ray, length);
    utils.assertType(Rac.Ray, ray);

    * Instance of `Rac` used for drawing and passed along to any created
    * object.
    * @type {Rac}
    this.rac = rac;

    * The `Ray` the segment is based of.
    * @type {Rac.Ray}
    this.ray = ray;

    * The length of the segment.
    * @type {number}
    this.length = length;

  * Returns a string representation intended for human consumption.
  * @param {number} [digits] - The number of digits to print after the
  * decimal point, when ommited all digits are printed
  * @returns {string}
  toString(digits = null) {
    const xStr = utils.cutDigits(this.ray.start.x, digits);
    const yStr = utils.cutDigits(this.ray.start.y, digits);
    const turnStr = utils.cutDigits(this.ray.angle.turn, digits);
    const lengthStr = utils.cutDigits(this.length, digits);
    return `Segment((${xStr},${yStr}) a:${turnStr} l:${lengthStr})`;

  * Returns `true` when `ray` and `length` in both segments are equal.
  * When `otherSegment` is any class other that `Rac.Segment`, returns `false`.
  * Segments' `length` are compared using `{@link Rac#equals}`.
  * @param {Rac.Segment} otherSegment - A `Segment` to compare
  * @returns {boolean}
  * @see Rac.Ray#equals
  * @see Rac#equals
  equals(otherSegment) {
    return otherSegment instanceof Segment
      && this.ray.equals(otherSegment.ray)
      && this.rac.equals(this.length, otherSegment.length);

  * Returns the `[angle]{@link Rac.Ray#angle}` of the segment's `ray`.
  * @returns {Rac.Angle}
  angle() {
    return this.ray.angle;

  * Returns the `[start]{@link Rac.Ray#start}` of the segment's `ray`.
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  startPoint() {
    return this.ray.start;

  * Returns a new `Point` where the segment ends.
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  endPoint() {
    return this.ray.pointAtDistance(this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with angle set to `newAngle`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} newAngle - The angle for the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withAngle(newAngle) {
    newAngle = Rac.Angle.from(this.rac, newAngle);
    const newRay = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this.ray.start, newAngle);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `ray` set to `newRay`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Ray} newRay - The ray for the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withRay(newRay) {
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with start point set to `newStart`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} newStartPoint - The start point for the new
  * `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withStartPoint(newStartPoint) {
    const newRay = this.ray.withStart(newStartPoint);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `length` set to `newLength`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {number} newLength - The length for the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withLength(newLength) {
    return new Segment(this.rac, this.ray, newLength);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `length` added to `this.length`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {number} length - The length to add
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withLengthAdd(length) {
    return new Segment(this.rac, this.ray, this.length + length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `length` set to `this.length * ratio`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {number} ratio - The factor to multiply `length` by
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withLengthRatio(ratio) {
    return new Segment(this.rac, this.ray, this.length * ratio);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `angle` added to `this.angle()`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angle - The angle to add
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withAngleAdd(angle) {
    const newRay = this.ray.withAngleAdd(angle);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with `angle` set to
  * `this.ray.{@link Rac.Angle#shift angle.shift}(angle, clockwise)`.
  * All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angle - The angle to be shifted by
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the shift
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withAngleShift(angle, clockwise = true) {
    const newRay = this.ray.withAngleShift(angle, clockwise);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with the start point moved in the inverse
  * direction of the segment's ray by the given `distance`. The resulting
  * `Segment` will have the same `endPoint()` and `angle()` as `this`.
  * Using a positive `distance` results in a longer segment, using a
  * negative `distance` results in a shorter one.
  * @param {number} distance - The distance to move the start point by
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  withStartExtended(distance) {
    const newRay = this.ray.translateToDistance(-distance);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length + distance);

  * Returns a new `Segment` pointing towards the
  * [perpendicular angle]{@link Rac.Angle#perpendicular} of
  * `this.angle()` in the `clockwise` orientation.
  * The resulting `Segment` will have the same `startPoint()` and `length`
  * as `this`.
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the perpendicular
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Angle#perpendicular
  perpendicular(clockwise = true) {
    const newRay = this.ray.perpendicular(clockwise);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with its start point set at
  * `[this.endPoint()]{@link Rac.Segment#endPoint}`,
  * angle set to `this.angle().[inverse()]{@link Rac.Angle#inverse}`, and
  * same length as `this`.
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Angle#inverse
  reverse() {
    const end = this.endPoint();
    const inverseRay = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, end, this.ray.angle.inverse());
    return new Segment(this.rac, inverseRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with the start point moved towards `angle` by
  * the given `distance`. All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angle - An `Angle` to move the start point
  * @param {number} distance - The distance to move the start point by
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  translateToAngle(angle, distance) {
    const newRay = this.ray.translateToAngle(angle, distance);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with the start point moved along the segment's
  * ray by the given `length`. All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * When `length` is negative, `start` is moved in the inverse direction of
  * `angle`.
  * @param {number} length - The length to move the start point by
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  translateToLength(length) {
    const newRay = this.ray.translateToDistance(length);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` with the start point moved the given `distance`
  * towards the perpendicular angle to `this.angle()` in the `clockwise`
  * orientaton. All other properties are copied from `this`.
  * @param {number} distance - The distance to move the start point by
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the perpendicular
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  translatePerpendicular(distance, clockwise = true) {
    const newRay = this.ray.translatePerpendicular(distance, clockwise);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, this.length);

  * Returns the given `value` clamped to [startInset, length-endInset].
  * When `startInset` is greater that `length-endInset` the range for the
  * clamp becomes imposible to fulfill. In this case the returned value
  * will be the centered between the range limits and still clampled to
  * `[0, length]`.
  * @param {number} value - A value to clamp
  * @param {number} [startInset=0] - The inset for the lower limit of the
  * clamping range
  * @param {endInset} [endInset=0] - The inset for the higher limit of the
  * clamping range
  * @returns {number}
  clampToLength(value, startInset = 0, endInset = 0) {
    const endLimit = this.length - endInset;
    if (startInset >= endLimit) {
      // imposible range, return middle point
      const rangeMiddle = (startInset - endLimit) / 2;
      const middle = startInset - rangeMiddle;
      // Still clamp to the segment itself
      let clamped = middle;
      clamped = Math.min(clamped, this.length);
      clamped = Math.max(clamped, 0);
      return clamped;
    let clamped = value;
    clamped = Math.min(clamped, this.length - endInset);
    clamped = Math.max(clamped, startInset);
    return clamped;

  * Returns a new `Point` in the segment's ray at the given `length` from
  * `this.startPoint()`. When `length` is negative, the new `Point` is
  * calculated in the inverse direction of `this.angle()`.
  * @param {number} length - The distance from `this.startPoint()`
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  * @see Rac.Ray#pointAtDistance
  pointAtLength(length) {
    return this.ray.pointAtDistance(length);

  * Returns a new `Point` in the segment's ray at a distance of
  * `this.length * ratio` from `this.startPoint()`. When `ratio` is
  * negative, the new `Point` is calculated in the inverse direction of
  * `this.angle()`.
  * @param {number} ratio - The factor to multiply `length` by
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  * @see Rac.Ray#pointAtDistance
  pointAtLengthRatio(ratio) {
    return this.ray.pointAtDistance(this.length * ratio);

  * Returns a new `Point` at the middle point the segment.
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  pointAtBisector() {
    return this.ray.pointAtDistance(this.length/2);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting at `newStartPoint` and ending at
  * `this.endPoint()`.
  * When `newStartPoint` and `this.endPoint()` are considered
  * [equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals}, the new `Segment` will use
  * `this.angle()`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} newStartPoint - The start point of the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Point#equals
  moveStartPoint(newStartPoint) {
    const endPoint = this.endPoint();
    return newStartPoint.segmentToPoint(endPoint, this.ray.angle);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting at `this.startPoint()` and ending at
  * `newEndPoint`.
  * When `this.startPoint()` and `newEndPoint` are considered
  * [equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals}, the new `Segment` will use
  * `this.angle()`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} newEndPoint - The end point of the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Point#equals
  moveEndPoint(newEndPoint) {
    return this.ray.segmentToPoint(newEndPoint);

  * Returns a new `Segment` from the starting point to the segment's middle
  * point.
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Segment#pointAtBisector
  segmentToBisector() {
    return new Segment(this.rac, this.ray, this.length/2);

  * Returns a new `Segment` from the segment's middle point towards the
  * perpendicular angle in the `clockwise` orientation.
  * The new `Segment` will have the given `length`, or when ommited or
  * `null` will use `this.length` instead.
  * @param {?number} [length=null] - The length of the new `Segment`, or
  * `null` to use `this.length`
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the perpendicular
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Segment#pointAtBisector
  * @see Rac.Angle#perpendicular
  segmentBisector(length = null, clockwise = true) {
    const newStart = this.pointAtBisector();
    const newAngle = this.ray.angle.perpendicular(clockwise);
    const newRay = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, newStart, newAngle);
    const newLength = length === null
      ? this.length
      : length;
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, newLength);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` with the given
  * `length` and the same angle as `this`.
  * @param {number} length - The length of the next `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  nextSegmentWithLength(length) {
    const newStart = this.endPoint();
    const newRay = this.ray.withStart(newStart);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` and up to the given
  * `nextEndPoint`.
  * When `endPoint()` and `nextEndPoint` are considered
  * [equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals}, the new `Segment` will use
  * `this.angle()`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} nextEndPoint - The end point of the next `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Point#equals
  nextSegmentToPoint(nextEndPoint) {
    const newStart = this.endPoint();
    return newStart.segmentToPoint(nextEndPoint, this.ray.angle);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` towards `angle`
  * with the given `length`.
  * The new `Segment` will have the given `length`, or when ommited or
  * `null` will use `this.length` instead.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angle - The angle of the new `Segment`
  * @param {?number} [length=null] - The length of the new `Segment`, or
  * `null` to use `this.length`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  nextSegmentToAngle(angle, length = null) {
    angle = Rac.Angle.from(this.rac, angle);
    const newLength = length === null
      ? this.length
      : length;
    const newStart = this.endPoint();
    const newRay = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, newStart, angle);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, newLength);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` towards the given
  * `angleDistance` from `this.angle().inverse()` in the `clockwise`
  * orientation.
  * The new `Segment` will have the given `length`, or when ommited or
  * `null` will use `this.length` instead.
  * Notice that the `angleDistance` is applied to the inverse of the
  * segment's angle. E.g. with an `angleDistance` of `0` the resulting
  * `Segment` will be directly over and pointing in the inverse angle of
  * `this`. As the `angleDistance` increases the two segments separate with
  * the pivot at `endPoint()`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angleDistance - An angle distance to apply to
  * the segment's angle inverse
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the angle shift
  * from `endPoint()`
  * @param {?number} [length=null] - The length of the new `Segment`, or
  * `null` to use `this.length`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Angle#inverse
  nextSegmentToAngleDistance(angleDistance, clockwise = true, length = null) {
    angleDistance = this.rac.Angle.from(angleDistance);
    const newLength = length === null ? this.length : length;
    const newRay = this.ray
      .withAngleShift(angleDistance, clockwise);
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, newLength);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` towards the
  * `[perpendicular angle]{@link Rac.Angle#perpendicular}` of
  * `this.angle().inverse()` in the `clockwise` orientation.
  * The new `Segment` will have the given `length`, or when ommited or
  * `null` will use `this.length` instead.
  * Notice that the perpendicular is calculated from the inverse of the
  * segment's angle. E.g. with `clockwise` as `true`, the resulting
  * `Segment` will be pointing towards `this.angle().perpendicular(false)`.
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the
  * perpendicular angle from `endPoint()`
  * @param {?number} [length=null] - The length of the new `Segment`, or
  * `null` to use `this.length`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Angle#perpendicular
  nextSegmentPerpendicular(clockwise = true, length = null) {
    const newLength = length === null
      ? this.length
      : length;
    const newRay = this.ray
    return new Segment(this.rac, newRay, newLength);

  * Returns a new `Segment` starting from `endPoint()` which corresponds
  * to the leg of a right triangle where `this` is the other cathetus and
  * the hypotenuse is of length `hypotenuse`.
  * The new `Segment` will point towards the perpendicular angle of
  * `[this.angle().[inverse()]{@link Rac.Angle#inverse}` in the `clockwise`
  * orientation.
  * When `hypotenuse` is smaller that the segment's `length`, returns
  * `null` since no right triangle is possible.
  * @param {number} hypotenuse - The length of the hypotenuse side of the
  * right triangle formed with `this` and the new `Segment`
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the
  * perpendicular angle from `endPoint()`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see Rac.Angle#inverse
  nextSegmentLegWithHyp(hypotenuse, clockwise = true) {
    if (hypotenuse < this.length) {
      return null;

    // cos = ady / hyp
    const radians = Math.acos(this.length / hypotenuse);
    // tan = ops / adj
    // tan * adj = ops
    const ops = Math.tan(radians) * this.length;
    return this.nextSegmentPerpendicular(clockwise, ops);

  * Returns a new `Arc` based on this segment, with the given `endAngle`
  * and `clockwise` orientation.
  * The returned `Arc` will use this segment's start as `center`, its angle
  * as `start`, and its length as `radius`.
  * When `endAngle` is ommited or `null`, the segment's angle is used
  * instead resulting in a complete-circle arc.
  * @param {?Rac.Angle} [endAngle=null] - An `Angle` to use as end for the
  * new `Arc`, or `null` to use `this.angle()`
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the new `Arc`
  * @returns {Rac.Arc}
  arc(endAngle = null, clockwise = true) {
    endAngle = endAngle === null
      ? this.ray.angle
      : Rac.Angle.from(this.rac, endAngle);
    return new Rac.Arc(this.rac,
      this.ray.start, this.length,
      this.ray.angle, endAngle,

  * Returns a new `Arc` based on this segment, with the arc's end at
  * `angleDistance` from the segment's angle in the `clockwise`
  * orientation.
  * The returned `Arc` will use this segment's start as `center`, its angle
  * as `start`, and its length as `radius`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|number} angleDistance - The angle distance from the
  * segment's start to the new `Arc` end
  * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the new `Arc`
  * @returns {Rac.Arc}
  arcWithAngleDistance(angleDistance, clockwise = true) {
    angleDistance = this.rac.Angle.from(angleDistance);
    const stargAngle = this.ray.angle;
    const endAngle = stargAngle.shift(angleDistance, clockwise);

    return new Rac.Arc(this.rac,
      this.ray.start, this.length,
      stargAngle, endAngle,

  // TODO: uncomment once beziers are tested again
  // bezierCentralAnchor(distance, clockwise = true) {
  //   let bisector = this.segmentBisector(distance, clockwise);
  //   return new Rac.Bezier(this.rac,
  //     this.start, bisector.end,
  //     bisector.end, this.end);
  // }

} // Segment

module.exports = Segment;