Source: src/drawable/Point.js

'use strict';

const Rac = require('../Rac');
const utils = require('../util/utils');

* Point in a two dimentional coordinate system.
* Several methods return an adjusted value or perform adjustments in their
* operation when two points are close enough as to be considered equal.
* When the the difference of each coordinate of two points is under the
* [`equalityThreshold`]{@link Rac#equalityThreshold} the points are
* considered equal. The [`equals`]{@link Rac.Point#equals} method performs
* this check.
* ### `instance.Point`
* Instances of `Rac` contain a convenience
* [`rac.Point` function]{@link Rac#Point} to create `Point` objects with
* fewer parameters. This function also contains ready-made convenience
* objects, like [`rac.Point.origin`]{@link instance.Point#origin}, listed under
* [`instance.Point`]{@link instance.Point}.
* @example
* let rac = new Rac()
* // new instance with constructor
* let point = new Rac.Point(rac, 55, 77)
* // or convenience function
* let otherPoint = rac.Point(55, 77)
* @see [`rac.Point`]{@link Rac#Point}
* @see [`instance.Point`]{@link instance.Point}
* @alias Rac.Point
class Point{

  * Creates a new `Point` instance.
  * @param {Rac} rac
  *   Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects
  * @param {Number} x
  *   The x coordinate
  * @param {Number} y
  *   The y coordinate
  constructor(rac, x, y) {
    utils.assertExists(rac, x, y);
    utils.assertNumber(x, y);

    * Instance of `Rac` used for drawing and passed along to any created
    * object.
    * @type {Rac}
    this.rac = rac;

    * X coordinate of the point.
    * @type {Number}
    this.x = x;

    * Y coordinate of the point.
    * @type {Number}
    this.y = y;

  * Returns a string representation intended for human consumption.
  * @example
  * rac.Point(55, 77).toString()
  * // returns: 'Point(55,77)'
  * @param {Number} [digits] - The number of digits to print after the
  * decimal point, when ommited all digits are printed
  * @returns {String}
  toString(digits = null) {
    const xStr = utils.cutDigits(this.x, digits);
    const yStr = utils.cutDigits(this.y, digits);
    return `Point(${xStr},${yStr})`;

  * Returns `true` when the difference with `otherPoint` for each
  * coordinate is under [`rac.equalityThreshold`]{@link Rac#equalityThreshold};
  * otherwise returns `false`.
  * When `otherPoint` is any class other that `Rac.Point`, returns `false`.
  * Values are compared using [`rac.equals`]{@link Rac#equals}.
  * @param {Rac.Point} otherPoint - A `Point` to compare
  * @returns {Boolean}
  * @see [`rac.equals`]{@link Rac#equals}
  equals(otherPoint) {
    return otherPoint instanceof Point
      && this.rac.equals(this.x, otherPoint.x)
      && this.rac.equals(this.y, otherPoint.y);

  * Returns a new `Point` with `x` set to `newX`.
  * @param {Number} newX - The x coordinate for the new `Point`
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  withX(newX) {
    return new Point(this.rac, newX, this.y);

  * Returns a new `Point` with `x` set to `newX`.
  * @param {Number} newY - The y coordinate for the new `Point`
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  withY(newY) {
    return new Point(this.rac, this.x, newY);

  * Returns a new `Point` with `x` added to `this.x`.
  * @param {Number} x - The x coordinate to add
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  addX(x) {
    return new Point(this.rac,
      this.x + x, this.y);

  * Returns a new `Point` with `y` added to `this.y`.
  * @param {Number} y - The y coordinate to add
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  addY(y) {
    return new Point(this.rac,
      this.x, this.y + y);

  * Returns a new `Point` by adding the components of `point` to `this`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to add
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  addPoint(point) {
    return new Point(
      this.x + point.x,
      this.y + point.y);

  * Returns a new `Point` by adding the `x` and `y` components to `this`.
  * @param {Number} x - The x coodinate to add
  * @param {Number} y - The y coodinate to add
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  add(x, y) {
    return new Point(this.rac,
      this.x + x, this.y + y);

  * Returns a new `Point` by subtracting the components of `point`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to subtract
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  subtractPoint(point) {
    return new Point(
      this.x - point.x,
      this.y - point.y);

  * Returns a new `Point` by subtracting the `x` and `y` components.
  * @param {Number} x - The x coodinate to subtract
  * @param {Number} y - The y coodinate to subtract
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  subtract(x, y) {
    return new Point(
      this.x - x,
      this.y - y);

  * Returns a new `Point` with the negative coordinate values of `this`.
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  negative() {
    return new Point(this.rac, -this.x, -this.y);

  * Returns the distance from `this` to `point`.
  * When `this` and `point` are [considered equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals},
  * returns the angle produced with `defaultAngle`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to measure the distance to
  * @returns {Number}
  * @see [`equals`]{@link Rac.Point#equals}
  distanceToPoint(point) {
    if (this.equals(point)) {
      return 0;
    const x = Math.pow((point.x - this.x), 2);
    const y = Math.pow((point.y - this.y), 2);
    return Math.sqrt(x+y);

  * Returns the angle from `this` to `point`.
  * When `this` and `point` are [considered equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals},
  * returns the angle produced with `defaultAngle`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to measure the angle to
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number}
  *   [defaultAngle=[]{@link instance.Angle#zero}]
  *   An `Angle` to return when `this` and `point` are equal
  * @returns {Rac.Angle}
  * @see [`equals`]{@link Rac.Point#equals}
  angleToPoint(point, defaultAngle = {
    if (this.equals(point)) {
      defaultAngle = this.rac.Angle.from(defaultAngle);
      return defaultAngle;
    const offset = point.subtractPoint(this);
    const radians = Math.atan2(offset.y, offset.x);
    return Rac.Angle.fromRadians(this.rac, radians);

  * Returns a new `Point` at a `distance` from `this` in the direction of
  * `angle`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number} angle - An `Angle` towars the new `Point`
  * @param {Number} distance - The distance to the new `Point`
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  pointToAngle(angle, distance) {
    angle = this.rac.Angle.from(angle);
    const distanceX = distance * Math.cos(angle.radians());
    const distanceY = distance * Math.sin(angle.radians());
    return new Point(this.rac, this.x + distanceX, this.y + distanceY);

  * Returns a new `Point` located in the middle between `this` and `point`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to calculate a bisector to
  * @returns {Rac.Point}
  pointAtBisector(point) {
    const xOffset = (point.x - this.x) / 2;
    const yOffset = (point.y - this.y) / 2;
    return new Point(this.rac, this.x + xOffset, this.y + yOffset);

  * Returns a new `Ray` from `this` towards `angle`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number} angle - The `Angle` of the new `Ray`
  * @returns {Rac.Ray}
  ray(angle) {
    angle = this.rac.Angle.from(angle);
    return new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, angle);

  * Returns a new `Ray` from `this` towards `point`.
  * When `this` and `point` are [considered equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals},
  * the resulting `Ray` uses the angle produced with `defaultAngle`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to point the `Ray` towards
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number}
  *   [defaultAngle=[]{@link instance.Angle#zero}]
  *   An `Angle` to use when `this` and `point` are equal
  * @returns {Rac.Ray}
  rayToPoint(point, defaultAngle = {
    defaultAngle = this.angleToPoint(point, defaultAngle);
    return new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, defaultAngle);

  * Returns a new `Ray` from `this` to the projection of `this` in `ray`.
  * When the projected point and `this` are
  * [considered equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals} the resulting `Ray` defaults
  * to an angle perpendicular to `ray` in the clockwise direction.
  * @param {Rac.Ray} ray - A `Ray` to project `this` onto
  * @returns {Rac.Ray}
  rayToProjectionInRay(ray) {
    const projected = ray.pointProjection(this);
    const perpendicular = ray.angle.perpendicular();
    return this.rayToPoint(projected, perpendicular);

  * @summary
  * Returns a new `Ray` that starts at `this` and is tangent to `arc`, when
  * no tangent is possible returns `null`.
  * @description
  * The resulting `Ray` is in the `clockwise` side of the ray formed
  * from `this` towards ``. `arc` is considered a complete
  * circle.
  * When `this` is inside `arc`, returns `null` since no tangent segment is
  * possible.
  * A special case is considered when `arc.radius` is considered to be `0`
  * and `this` is equal to ``. In this case the angle between
  * `this` and `` is assumed to be the inverse of `arc.start`,
  * thus the resulting `Ray` defaults to an angle perpendicular to
  * `arc.start.inverse()`, in the `clockwise` orientation.
  * @param {Rac.Arc} arc - An `Arc` to calculate a tangent to, considered
  * as a complete circle
  * @param {Boolean} [clockwise=true] - the orientation of the new `Ray`
  * @return {?Rac.Ray}
  rayTangentToArc(arc, clockwise = true) {
    // A default angle is given for the edge case of a zero-radius arc
    let hypotenuse = this.segmentToPoint(, arc.start.inverse());
    let ops = arc.radius;

    if (this.rac.equals(hypotenuse.length, arc.radius)) {
      // Point in arc
      const perpendicular = hypotenuse.ray.angle.perpendicular(clockwise);
      return new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, perpendicular);

    if (this.rac.equals(hypotenuse.length, 0)) {
      return null;

    let angleSine = ops / hypotenuse.length;
    if (angleSine > 1) {
      // Point inside arc
      return null;

    let angleRadians = Math.asin(angleSine);
    let opsAngle = Rac.Angle.fromRadians(this.rac, angleRadians);
    let shiftedOpsAngle = hypotenuse.angle().shift(opsAngle, clockwise);

    return new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, shiftedOpsAngle);

  * Returns a new `Segment` from `this` towards `angle` with the given
  * `length`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number} angle - An `Angle` to point the segment
  * towards
  * @param {Number} length - The length of the new `Segment`
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  segmentToAngle(angle, length) {
    angle = this.rac.Angle.from(angle);
    const ray = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, angle);
    return new Rac.Segment(this.rac, ray, length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` from `this` to `point`.
  * When `this` and `point` are [considered equal]{@link Rac.Point#equals},
  * the resulting `Segment` defaults to the angle produced with
  * `defaultAngle`.
  * @param {Rac.Point} point - A `Point` to point the `Segment` towards
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number}
  *   [defaultAngle=[]{@link instance.Angle#zero}]
  *   An `Angle` to use when `this` and `point` are equal
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  * @see [`equals`]{@link Rac.Point#equals}
  segmentToPoint(point, defaultAngle = {
    defaultAngle = this.angleToPoint(point, defaultAngle);
    const length = this.distanceToPoint(point);
    const ray = new Rac.Ray(this.rac, this, defaultAngle);
    return new Rac.Segment(this.rac, ray, length);

  * Returns a new `Segment` from `this` to the projection of `this` in
  * `ray`.
  * When the projected point is equal to `this`, the resulting `Segment`
  * defaults to an angle perpendicular to `ray` in the clockwise direction.
  * @param {Rac.Ray} ray - A `Ray` to project `this` onto
  * @returns {Rac.Segment}
  segmentToProjectionInRay(ray) {
    const projected = ray.pointProjection(this);
    const perpendicular = ray.angle.perpendicular();
    return this.segmentToPoint(projected, perpendicular);

  * @summary
  * Returns a new `Segment` that starts at `this` and is tangent to `arc`,
  * when no tangent is possible returns `null`.
  * @description
  * The resulting `Segment` is in the `clockwise` side of the ray formed
  * from `this` towards ``, and ends at the contact point with
  * `arc` which is considered as a complete circle.
  * When `this` is inside `arc`, returns `null` since no tangent segment is
  * possible.
  * A special case is considered when `arc.radius` is considered to be `0`
  * and `this` is equal to ``. In this case the angle between
  * `this` and `` is assumed to be the inverse of `arc.start`,
  * thus the resulting `Segment` defaults to an angle perpendicular to
  * `arc.start.inverse()`, in the `clockwise` orientation.
  * @param {Rac.Arc} arc - An `Arc` to calculate a tangent to, considered
  * as a complete circle
  * @param {Boolean} [clockwise=true] - the orientation of the new `Segment`
  * @return {?Rac.Segment}
  segmentTangentToArc(arc, clockwise = true) {
    const tangentRay = this.rayTangentToArc(arc, clockwise);
    if (tangentRay === null) {
      return null;

    const tangentPerp = tangentRay.angle.perpendicular(clockwise);
    const radiusRay =;

    return tangentRay.segmentToIntersection(radiusRay);

  * Returns a new `Arc` with center at `this` and the given arc properties.
  * @param {Number} radius - The radius of the new `Arc`
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number}
  *   [start=[]{@link instance.Angle#zero}]
  *   The start `Angle` of the new `Arc`
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number} [end=null] - The end `Angle` of the new
  *   `Arc`; when `null` or ommited, `start` is used instead
  * @param {Boolean} [clockwise=true] - The orientation of the new `Arc`
  * @returns {Rac.Arc}
    start =,
    end = null,
    clockwise = true)
    start = this.rac.Angle.from(start);
    end = end === null
      ? start
      : this.rac.Angle.from(end);
    return new Rac.Arc(this.rac, this, radius, start, end, clockwise);

  * Returns a new `Text` located at `this` with the given `string` and
  * `format`.
  * @param {String} string - The string of the new `Text`
  * @param {Rac.Text.Format} [format=[rac.Text.Format.topLeft]{@link instance.Text.Format#topLeft}]
  *   The format of the new `Text`
  * @returns {Rac.Text}
  text(string, format = this.rac.Text.Format.topLeft) {
    return new Rac.Text(this.rac, this, string, format);

} // class Point

module.exports = Point;