Source: src/drawable/Text.Format.js

'use strict';

const Rac = require('../Rac');
const utils = require('../util/utils');

* Determines the alignment, angle, font, size, and padding for drawing a
* [`Text`]{@link Rac.Text} object.
* ### `instance.Text.Format`
* Instances of `Rac` contain a convenience
* [`rac.Text.Format` function]{@link Rac#TextFormat} to create
* `Text.Format` objects from primitive values. This function also contains
* ready-made convenience objects, like
* [`rac.Text.Format.topLeft`]{@link instance.Text.Format#topLeft}, listed
* under [`instance.Text.Format`]{@link instance.Text.Format}.
* @example
* let rac = new Rac()
* let angle = rac.Angle(1/8)
* // new instance with constructor
* let format = new Rac.Text.Format(rac, 'left', 'baseline', angle)
* // or convenience function
* let otherFormat = rac.Text.Format('left', 'baseline', 1/8)
* @see [`rac.Text.Format`]{@link Rac#TextFormat}
* @see [`instance.Text.Format`]{@link instance.Text.Format}
* @alias Rac.Text.Format
class TextFormat {

  * Supported values for [`hAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format#hAlign} which
  * dermines the left-to-right alignment of the drawn `Text` in relation
  * to its [`text.point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
  * @property {String} left
  *   aligns `text.point` at the left edge of the drawn text
  * @property {String} center
  *   aligns `text.point` at the center, from side to side, of the drawn text
  * @property {String} right
  *   aligns `text.point` at the right edge of the drawn text
  * @type {Object}
  * @memberof Rac.Text.Format
  static horizontalAlign = {
    left:   "left",
    center: "horizontalCenter",
    right:  "right"

  * Supported values for [`vAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format#vAlign} which
  * dermines the top-to-bottom alignment of the drawn `Text` in relation
  * to its [`text.point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
  * @property {String} top
  *   aligns `text.point` at the top edge of the drawn text
  * @property {String} center
  *   aligns `text.point` at the center, from top to bottom, of the drawn text
  * @property {String} baseline
  *   aligns `text.point` at the baseline of the drawn text
  * @property {String} bottom
  *   aligns `text.point` at the bottom edge of the drawn text
  * @type {Object}
  * @memberof Rac.Text.Format
  static verticalAlign = {
    top:      "top",
    center:   "verticalCenter",
    baseline: "baseline",
    bottom:   "bottom"

  * Creates a new `Text.Format` instance.
  * @param {Rac} rac
  *   Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects
  * @param {String} hAlign
  *   The horizontal alignment, left-to-right; one of the values from
  *   [`horizontalAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format.horizontalAlign}
  * @param {String} vAlign
  *   The vertical alignment, top-to-bottom; one of the values from
  *   [`verticalAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format.verticalAlign}
  * @param {Rac.Angle} [angle=[]{@link instance.Angle#zero}]
  *   The angle towards which the text is drawn
  * @param {?String} [font=null]
  *   The font name
  * @param {?Number} [size=null]
  *   The font size
  * @param {Number} [hPadding=0]
  *   The horizontal padding, left-to-right
  * @param {Number} [vPadding=0]
  *   The vertical padding, top-to-bottom
    angle =,
    font = null,
    size = null,
    hPadding = 0,
    vPadding = 0)
    utils.assertType(Rac, rac);
    utils.assertString(hAlign, vAlign);
    utils.assertType(Rac.Angle, angle);
    font !== null && utils.assertString(font);
    size !== null && utils.assertNumber(size);
    utils.assertNumber(hPadding, vPadding);

    * Instance of `Rac` used for drawing and passed along to any created
    * object.
    * @type {Rac}
    this.rac = rac;

    * The horizontal alignment, left-to-right, to position a `Text`
    * relative to its [`point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
    * Supported values are available through the
    * [`horizontalAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format.horizontalAlign} object.
    * @type {String}
    this.hAlign = hAlign;

    * The vertical alignment, top-to-bottom, to position a `Text` relative
    * to its [`point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
    * Supported values are available through the
    * [`verticalAlign`]{@link Rac.Text.Format.verticalAlign} object.
    * @type {String}
    this.vAlign = vAlign;

    * The angle towards which the text is drawn.
    * An angle of [`zero`]{@link instance.Angle#zero} wil draw the text
    * towards the right of the screen.
    * @type {Rac.Angle}
    this.angle = angle;

    * The font name of the text to draw.
    * When set to `null` the font defined in
    * [`rac.textFormatDefaults.font`]{@link Rac#textFormatDefaults} is
    * used instead upon drawing.
    * @type {?String}
    this.font = font;

    * The font size of the text to draw.
    * When set to `null` the size defined in
    * [`rac.textFormatDefaults.size`]{@link Rac#textFormatDefaults} is
    * used instead upon drawing.
    * @type {?Number}
    this.size = size;

    * The horizontal padding, left-to-right, to distance a `Text`
    * relative to its [`point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
    * @type {Number}
    this.hPadding = hPadding;

    * The vertical padding, top-to-bottom, to distance a `Text` relative
    * to its [`point`]{@link Rac.Text#point}.
    * @type {String}
    this.vPadding = vPadding;
  } // constructor

  * Returns a string representation intended for human consumption.
  * @example
  * rac.Text.Format('left', 'top', 0.2, 'sans', 14, 7, 5)).toString()
  * // returns: 'Text.Format(ha:left va:top a:0.2 f:"sans" s:14 p:(7,5))'
  * @param {Number} [digits] - The number of digits to print after the
  * decimal point, when ommited all digits are printed
  * @returns {String}
  toString(digits = null) {
    const angleStr = utils.cutDigits(this.angle.turn, digits);
    const sizeStr = this.size === null
      ? 'null'
      : utils.cutDigits(this.size, digits);
    const fontStr = this.font === null
      ? 'null'
      : `"${this.font}"`;
    const hPaddingStr = utils.cutDigits(this.hPadding, digits);
    const vPaddingStr = utils.cutDigits(this.vPadding, digits);
    const paddingsStr = `${hPaddingStr},${vPaddingStr}`
    return `Text.Format(ha:${this.hAlign} va:${this.vAlign} a:${angleStr} f:${fontStr} s:${sizeStr} p:(${paddingsStr}))`;

  * Returns `true` when all members, except `rac`, of both formats are
  * equal, otherwise returns `false`.
  * When `otherFormat` is any class other that `Rac.Text.Format`, returns
  * `false`.
  * @param {Rac.Text.Format} otherFormat - A `Text.Format` to compare
  * @returns {Boolean}
  * @see [`angle.equals`]{@link Rac.Angle#equals}
  equals(otherFormat) {
    return otherFormat instanceof TextFormat
      && this.hAlign   === otherFormat.hAlign
      && this.vAlign   === otherFormat.vAlign
      && this.font     === otherFormat.font
      && this.size     === otherFormat.size
      && this.hPadding === otherFormat.hPadding
      && this.vPadding === otherFormat.vPadding
      && this.angle.equals(otherFormat.angle);

  * Returns a new `Text.Format` with `angle` set to the `Angle` derived
  * from `newAngle`.
  * @param {Rac.Angle|Number} newAngle - The angle for the new `Text.Format`
  * @returns {Rac.Text.Format}
  withAngle(newAngle) {
    newAngle = Rac.Angle.from(this.rac, newAngle);
    return new TextFormat(this.rac,
      this.hAlign, this.vAlign,
      this.font, this.size,
      this.hPadding, this.vPadding);

  * Returns a new `Text.Format` with `font` set to `newFont`.
  * @param {?String} newFont - The font name for the new `Text.Format`;
  *   can be set to `null`.
  * @returns {Rac.Text.Format}
  withFont(newFont) {
    return new TextFormat(this.rac,
      this.hAlign, this.vAlign,
      newFont, this.size,
      this.hPadding, this.vPadding);

  * Returns a new `Text.Format` with `size` set to `newSize`.
  * @param {?Number} newSize - The font size for the new `Text.Format`;
  *   can be set to `null`.
  * @returns {Rac.Text.Format}
  withSize(newSize) {
    return new TextFormat(this.rac,
      this.hAlign, this.vAlign,
      this.font, newSize,
      this.hPadding, this.vPadding);

  * Returns a new `Text.Format` with paddings set to the given values.
  * When only `hPadding` is provided, that value is used for both
  * horizontal and vertical padding.
  * @param {Number} hPadding - The horizontal padding for the new `Text.Format`
  * @param {Number} [vPadding] - The vertical padding for the new `Text.Format`;
  *   when ommited, `hPadding` is used instead
  * @returns {Rac.Text.Format}
  withPaddings(hPadding, vPadding = null) {
    if (vPadding === null) {
      vPadding = hPadding;
    return new TextFormat(this.rac,
      this.hAlign, this.vAlign,
      this.angle, this.font, this.size,
      hPadding, vPadding);

  * Returns a new `Text.Format` that formats a text reversed, upside-down,
  * generally in the same position as `this`.
  * The resulting `Format` will be oriented towards the
  * [inverse]{@link Rac.Angle#inverse} of `angle`; alignments for `left`
  * becomes `right` and viceversa; `top` becomes `bottom` and viceversa;
  * `center` and `baseline` remain the same.
  * @returns {Rac.Text.Format}
  reverse() {
    let hEnum = TextFormat.horizontalAlign;
    let vEnum = TextFormat.verticalAlign;
    let hAlign, vAlign;
    switch (this.hAlign) {
      case hEnum.left:  hAlign = hEnum.right; break;
      case hEnum.right: hAlign = hEnum.left; break;
      default:          hAlign = this.hAlign; break;
    switch (this.vAlign) {
      case    vAlign = vEnum.bottom; break;
      case vEnum.bottom: vAlign =; break;
      default:           vAlign = this.vAlign; break;

    return new TextFormat(
      hAlign, vAlign,
      this.font, this.size,
      this.hPadding, this.vPadding);

} // class TextFormat

module.exports = TextFormat;