Rac. Controller

Manager of interactive Controls for an instance of Rac.

Contains a list of all managed controls and coordinates drawing and user interaction between them.

For controls to be functional the pointerPressed, pointerReleased, and pointerDragged methods have to be called as pointer interactions happen. The drawControls method handles the drawing of all controls and the currently selected control, it is usually called at the very end of drawing.

Also contains settings shared between all controls and used for user interaction, like pointerStyle to draw the pointer, controlStyle as a default style for drawing controls, and knobRadius that defines the size of the interactive element of most controls.


new Controller(rac)

Builds a new Controller with the given Rac instance.

Name Type Description
rac Rac

Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects




autoAddControls :boolean

Indicates controls to add themselves into this.controls when created.

This property is a shared configuration. The behaviour is implemented independently by each control constructor.

Default Value:
  • true

controls :Array.<Rac.Control>

Collection of all controlls managed by the instance. Controls in this list are considered for pointer hit testing and for drawing.

Default Value:
  • []

controlStyle :Rac.Stroke|Rac.Fill|Rac.StyleContainer

Default style to apply for all controls. When set it is applied before control drawing. The individual control style in control.style is applied afterwards.

Default Value:
  • null

knobRadius :number

Distance at which the pointer is considered to interact with a control knob. Also used by controls for drawing.

pointerStyle :Rac.Stroke|Rac.Fill|Rac.StyleContainer

Style object used for the visual elements related to pointer interaction and control selection. When null no pointer or selection visuals are drawn.

By default contains a style that uses the current stroke configuration with no-fill.

Default Value:

rac :Rac

Instance of Rac used for drawing and passed along to any created object.

(nullable) selection :Rac.Controller.Selection

Selection information for the currently selected control, or null when there is no selection.



Pushes control into this.controls, allowing the instance to handle pointer interaction and drawing of control.

Name Type Description
control Rac.Control

A Control to add into controls


Draws all controls contained in controls along the visual elements for pointer and control selection.

Usually called at the end of drawing, as to draw controls on top of other graphics.


Notifies the instance that the pointer has been dragged to the pointerCenter location. When there is a selected control, user interaction is performed and the control value is updated.

This function must be called along pointer drag interaction for all managed controls to properly work.

Name Type Description
pointerCenter Rac.Point

The location where the pointer was dragged


Notifies the instance that the pointer has been pressed at the pointerCenter location. All controls are hit tested and the first control to be hit is marked as selected.

This function must be called along pointer press interaction for all managed controls to properly work.

Name Type Description
pointerCenter Rac.Point

The location where the pointer was pressed


Notifies the instance that the pointer has been released at the pointerCenter location. When there is a selected control, user interaction is finalized and the control selection is cleared.

This function must be called along pointer drag interaction for all managed controls to properly work.

Name Type Description
pointerCenter Rac.Point

The location where the pointer was released