Rac. Control

Abstract class for controls that select a value within a range.

Controls may use an anchor object to determine the visual position of the control's interactive elements. Each implementation determines the class used for this anchor, for example ArcControl uses an Arc as anchor, which defines where the control is drawn, what orientation it uses, and the position of the control knob through the range of possible values.

A control keeps a value property in the range [0,1] for the currently selected value.

The projectionStart and projectionEnd properties can be used to project value into the range [projectionStart,projectionEnd] by using the projectedValue() method. By default set to [0,1].

The startLimit and endLimit can be used to restrain the allowable values that can be selected through user interaction. By default set to [0,1].


new Control(rac, value)

Creates a new Control instance.

Name Type Description
rac Rac

Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects

value Number

The initial value of the control, in the [0,1] range


endLimit :Number

Maximum value that can be selected through user interaction.

Default Value:
  • 1

markers :Array.<number>

Collection of values at which visual markers are drawn.

Default Value:
  • []

projectionEnd :Number

Projected value to use when value is 1.

Default Value:
  • 1

projectionStart :Number

Projected value to use when value is 0.

Default Value:
  • 0

rac :Rac

Instance of Rac used for drawing and passed along to any created object.

startLimit :Number

Minimum value that can be selected through user interaction.

Default Value:
  • 0

style :Rac.Stroke|Rac.Fill|Rac.StyleContainer

Style to apply when drawing. This style gets applied after rac.controller.controlStyle.

Default Value:
  • null

value :Number

Current selected value, in the range [0,1].

May be further constrained to [startLimit,endLimit].



Adds a marker at the current value.

(abstract) affixAnchor() → {Object}

Returns a copy of the anchor to be persited during user interaction.

Each implementation determines the type used for anchor and affixAnchor().

This fixed anchor is passed back to the control through updateWithPointer and drawSelection during user interaction.

⚠️ This method must be overriden by an extending class. Calling this implementation throws an error.

(abstract) draw()

Draws the current state.

⚠️ This method must be overriden by an extending class. Calling this implementation throws an error.

(abstract) drawSelection(pointerCenter, fixedAnchor, pointerToKnobOffset)

Draws the selection state along with pointer interaction visuals. Called by rac.controller.drawControls only for the selected control.

⚠️ This method must be overriden by an extending class. Calling this implementation throws an error.

Name Type Description
pointerCenter Rac.Point

The position of the user pointer

fixedAnchor Object

Anchor of the control produced when user interaction started

pointerToKnobOffset Rac.Segment

A Segment that represents the offset from pointerCenter to the control knob when user interaction started.

isSelected() → {Boolean}

Returns true when this control is the currently selected control.

(abstract) knob() → {Rac.Point}

Returns a Point at the center of the control knob.

⚠️ This method must be overriden by an extending class. Calling this implementation throws an error.

projectedValue() → {Number}

Returns value projected into the range [projectionStart,projectionEnd].

By default the projection range is [0,1], in which case value and projectedValue() are equal.

Projection ranges with a negative direction (E.g. [50,30], when projectionStart is greater that projectionEnd) are supported. As value increases, the projection returned decreases from projectionStart until reaching projectionEnd.


For a control with a projection range of [100,200]

control.setProjectionRange(100, 200)
control.value = 0;   control.projectionValue() // returns 100
control.value = 0.5; control.projectionValue() // returns 150
control.value = 1;   control.projectionValue() // returns 200

For a control with a projection range of [50,30]

control.setProjectionRange(30, 50)
control.value = 0;   control.projectionValue() // returns 50
control.value = 0.5; control.projectionValue() // returns 40
control.value = 1;   control.projectionValue() // returns 30

setLimitsWithInsets(startInset, endInset)

Sets both startLimit and endLimit with the given insets from 0 and 1, correspondingly.

Name Type Description
startInset Number

The inset from 0 to use for startLimit

endInset Number

The inset from 1 to use for endLimit

control.setLimitsWithInsets(0.1, 0.2)
// returns 0.1, since 0 + 0.1 = 0.1
// returns 0.8, since 1 - 0.2 = 0.8

(abstract) updateWithPointer(pointerKnobCenter, fixedAnchor)

Updates value using pointerKnobCenter in relation to fixedAnchor. Called by rac.controller.pointerDragged as the user interacts with the control.

Each implementation interprets pointerKnobCenter against fixedAnchor to update its own value. The current anchor is not used for this update since anchor could change during redraw in response to updates in value.

Each implementation is also responsible of keeping the updated value within the range [startLimit,endLimit]. This method is the only path for updating the control through user interaction, and thus the only place where each implementation must enforce a valid value within [0,1] and [startLimit,endLimit].

⚠️ This method must be overriden by an extending class. Calling this implementation throws an error.

Name Type Description
pointerKnobCenter Rac.Point

The position of the knob center as interacted by the user pointer

fixedAnchor Object

Anchor produced when user interaction started