Rac. Color

Color with RBGA values, each one on the [0,1] range.


new Color(rac, r, g, b, aopt)

# | source: style/Color.js, line 13

Creates a new Color instance.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rac Rac

Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects

r number

The red channel value, in the [0,1] range

g number

The green channel value, in the [0,1] range

b number

The blue channel value, in the [0,1] range

a number <optional>

The alpha channel value, in the [0,1] range


a :number

# | source: style/Color.js, line 58

The alpha channel of the color, in the [0,1] range.

b :number

# | source: style/Color.js, line 52

The blue channel of the color, in the [0,1] range.

g :number

# | source: style/Color.js, line 46

The green channel of the color, in the [0,1] range.

r :number

# | source: style/Color.js, line 40

The red channel of the color, in the [0,1] range.

rac :Rac

# | source: style/Color.js, line 34

Instance of Rac used for drawing and passed along to any created object.


(static) fromHex(rac, hexString) → {Rac.Color}

Creates a new Color instance from a hexadecimal triplet string.

The hexString is expected to have 6 digits and can optionally start with #. AABBCC and #DDEEFF are both valid inputs, the three digit shorthand is not yet supported.

An error is thrown if hexString is misformatted or cannot be parsed.

Name Type Description
rac Rac

Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects

hexString string

The RGB hex triplet to interpret

(static) fromRgba(rac, r, g, b, aopt) → {Rac.Color}

# | source: style/Color.js, line 84

Creates a new Color instance with each channel received in the [0,255] range

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rac Rac

Instance to use for drawing and creating other objects

r number

The red channel value, in the [0,255] range

g number

The green channel value, in the [0,255] range

b number

The blue channel value, in the [0,255] range

a number <optional>

The alpha channel value, in the [0,255] range

fill() → {Rac.Fill}

Returns a new Fill that uses this as color.

linearTransition(ratio, target) → {Rac.Color}

Returns a new Color in the linear transition between this and target at a ratio in the range [0,1].

When ratio is 0 or less the new Color is equivalent to this, when ratio is 1 or larger the new Color is equivalent to target.

Name Type Description
ratio number

The transition ratio for the new Color

target Rac.Color

The transition target Color

stroke(weightnullable) → {Rac.Stroke}

Returns a new Stroke that uses this as color.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
weight number <nullable>

The weight of the new Stroke

toString() → {string}

# | source: style/Color.js, line 67

Returns a string representation intended for human consumption.

withAlpha(newAlpha) → {Rac.Color}

Returns a new Color with a set to newAlpha.

Name Type Description
newAlpha number

The alpha channel for the new Color, in the [0,1] range

withAlphaRatio(ratio) → {Rac.Color}

Returns a new Color with a set to this.a * ratio.

Name Type Description
ratio number

The factor to multiply a by