Rac.Controller. Selection

Information regarding the currently selected Control.

Created and kept by Controller when a control becomes selected.


new Selection(control, pointerCenter)

Builds a new Selection with the given control and pointer located at pointerCenter.

Name Type Description
control Rac.Control

The selected control

pointerCenter Rac.Point

The location of the pointer when the selection started


control :Rac.Control

The selected control.

fixedAnchor :object

Anchor produced by control.affixAnchor when the selection began.

This anchor is persisted during user interaction as to allow the user to interact with the selected control in a fixed location, even if the control moves during the interaction.

pointerToKnobOffset :Rac.Segment

Segment that represents the offset from the pointer position to the control knob center.

Used to interact with the control knob at a constant offset position during user interaction.

The pointer starting location is equal to segment.startPoint(), the control knob center starting position is equal to segment.endPoint().