instance. Angle

The instance.Angle function contains convenience methods and members for Rac.Angle objects setup with the owning Rac instance.



eighth :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 1/8.

Also named as: bottomRight, br, se.

half :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 1/2.

Also named as: left, l, west, w, inverse.

neighth :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 7/8, negative angle of eighth.

Also named as: topRight, tr, ne.

north :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 3/4.

Also named as: up, u, top, t.

quarter :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 1/4.

Also named as: down, d, bottom, b, south, s, square.

sixteenth :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 1/16.

zero :Rac.Angle

An Angle with turn 0.

Also named as: right, r, east, e.


from(something) → {Rac.Angle}

Returns an Angle derived from something.

CallsRac.Angle.from using this.

Name Type Description
something number | Rac.Angle | Rac.Ray | Rac.Segment

An object to derive an Angle from

fromDegrees(degrees) → {Rac.Angle}

Returns an Angle derived from degrees.

Calls Rac.Angle.fromDegrees using this.

Name Type Description
degrees number

The measure of the angle, in degrees

fromRadians(radians) → {Rac.Angle}

Returns an Angle derived from radians.

Calls Rac.Angle.fromRadians using this.

Name Type Description
radians number

The measure of the angle, in radians